The cost of an interesting life

I know a family who is adopting a little girl from India, a girl who selflessly loves a little boy she just met with cancer, a family who is moving overseas for missions, a high school girl who radically tries to love on the least of these in her school, and a man who prays for financial provision so that he can give it all away. This is just a few of the people I know who are living interesting lives.

These people are my hero’s. These are people who are living radically different lives. God calls us to live abundantly, and I am so thankful for the people in my life who are truly serving in abundance.

None of this comes with out a cost. Someone once told me “there is always a cost to an interesting life”. This is very true. One who lives an interesting life will experience more joy and more sorry than one who plays it safe. When you are more vulnerable with your dreams you are likely to be disappointed. One who attempts to play the game will have more bruises than the one who never tried.

Does this mean we should play it safe? Stay comfortable? NO! But the temptation is real. We can play it safe, not experience the deep sorrows, but when we do this we are throwing away the chance to experience extreme joy.  I have done this many times in my life. Sometimes this can be a daily battle. I like playing it safe. I know what to expect.

Matthew 14 talks about a time where Peter saw Jesus walking on the water. Jesus asked Peter to come to him. This was a risk. He had to trust that Jesus completely. He could of looked like a fool. He could have fallen into the deep dark ocean. But he looked into the eyes of Jesus and knew he could trust him.  He stepped out of the boat, and fear came over him. He looked away to all the distractions around him he started to sink. Immediately, Jesus reached out his hand and caught Peter. Jesus was the one who carried him.

Jesus calls us to step out of the boat. He longs for us to trust Him as he shows us the way. It seems like there is nothing safe about stepping out of the boat except for the fact that there is always Jesus. He will never leave us or forsake us. He goes before, behind and all around us. That is the best promise of all. With Christ, ALL things are possible. The more I learn about our God, the more I realize that he is completely trustworthy.

With out a doubt, there is a cost to an interesting life. There is a cost to following Jesus, that cost is your entire life. He does not want just part of your life, or your life on certain days of the week. He wants your life every second, every hour, every day. What a wild ride it is to follow Jesus. There are times of extreme Joy and deep sadness. Lord, make me one who longs to follow you rather than play it safe.

God, help us to fully give our lives to you, every minute of every day. There is so much of me that wants to hold on tightly to my safe little life. Help me to surrender to YOUR will and YOUR plans. Help me to want to accept the cost of living an interesting life.
