What if Easter became the new New years?

Seriously, why is January the month we decide to make New Years resolutions? Is it boredom? Is it the desire to seek out something different so we are not let down from all the fun we had at Christmas? When we look around, January is the month all the animals go into hibernation. The snow falls to the ground. We stay in more than normal. But spring time is when everything is coming to life again. Spring time is the signal of something new.  So, if you have struggled to make any changes to your lifestyle, I say you still have time. Lets make Easter the new New Years.

In all seriousness, I am not a winter loving girl. I am a summer loving girl. Who survives the winter.  I am not one who easily sits still, or stays inside for very long. Maybe you are like me? Maybe you struggle with the stillness of winter? But what if God is calling to us in the stillness? What if the stillness is exactly where he wants us to be. When we are still we can hear the whisper. When we are still, we can feel the wind blow. When we are still we rest. 

Did you know that in Winter, the trees roots are getting deeper and stronger? On the top of the trees it looks like nothing is happening. Most of them look dead. But Winter is when the roots get stronger. When I first learned this, I knew this was God speaking straight to my heart. The "Winters" of my life are never for nothing. They are to make us stronger. 

As I am writing, it is snowing, my husband is out of town for a few weeks for training, and I am sick with the dreaded sickness that has plagued this country for the last few years. You would think this time of forced stillness would be miserable. But truly it has been okay. I have felt Gods peace and strength. I have sensed his spirit with me. Do I understand why all the hard things are happening? No, but I do know nothing is ever wasted. And like the bare trees outside, my roots are getting stronger!

I wonder what your Winter looks like? Did you prepare for it like the animals and you are hunkered down with all your favorite things? Or is it more like the bare trees, and the whipping cold wind that does not look like much is happening but your roots are getting stronger? Either way, I want you to know that nothing is ever wasted. Not the winter, not your hardships, not the mundane and ordinary, nothing. Everything is used for our good and Gods glory. 

Would you seek him with me today?
