Fighting Discontentment with Thankfulness

“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” Phil 2:1-2

Everyone has day’s maybe even seasons of discontentment. For me, January is a dark and dreary month that I would like to stay inside all month unless someone was to surprise me with a trip to anywhere tropical. It is easy to become discontent in the normalness of January. December is so much fun with all the parties, Christmas lights, and presents. And now we are back to normalcy.

How do you fight the feelings of discontentment in the day-to-day life? Sometimes I can become really impulsive and shop, dream up amazing but far to expensive places we should go, decide to plan a get together, or I start to complain. None of these really solve the problem. In these situations I am looking to other people or other things to fill me.

That is exactly the opposite of what Jesus calls us to.  Jesus LONGS for us to look to him. The days when we least likely want to spend time with Him are the days we more than likely need to be with Him the most. John 10:10 say’s that “I came so that you may have life and live it more abundantly”. God desires for us to experience joy and adventure in the day-to-day living more than we want it for ourselves. He truly is the FULLNESS of life.

The question is how do we get our heart in a place where we are ready to receive the full life that Jesus offers. Scripture claims over and over that the way to joy/contentment is through thankfulness. The days when we wish we were somewhere else/doing something else are the days we are looking over what God has already given us.  Choosing to be thankful is the key. And I promise you it is a CHOICE.

The first step is recognizing when are feeling discontent before you spiral down into a big self-pity party. Pray and ask God to make you aware when you are quickly spiraling downward. Then take a minute to journal or say out lout what you are thankful for. A wise woman once told me to continue to say what you are thankful for until you actually start to feel thankful. This could take a little longer than 60 seconds. But the beautiful thing is you can do this through out your day.

I am attempting to read through 1000 gifts. So far the most beneficial thing I have received from this book is to start a list of things you are thankful for. So in my iphone I have a notes page of important and not so important things that I am very thankful for.

I truly believe that a thankful heart is a joyful heart. I had to CHOOSE to be thankful this morning. I woke up and it was rainy, my husband was going out of town, and I just did not feel like doing the tasks I had before me for the day.  I was grumbling and had a so not cute attitude towards my husband. As soon as I realized what I was doing I knew I needed some alone time with my saviour. It is so sweet! When I sit at His feet he meets me right where I am. Scripture tells me that when you seek Him you will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart. Ladies, lets seek the one who created life. He is the only one who can bring FULL LIFE!

Here are some things I am thankful for today. Maybe it will inspire you to start your list:
1.     A husband that fully supports and loves me
2.     A really comfy bed
3.     A job that points people towards Jesus
4.     Opportunities to travel
5.     My fun loving dog
6.     Watching my mom pursue Jesus
7.     Really great Young Life leaders
8.     The Passion Conference- I did not go.. but it still inspires meJ
9.     Really good food
10. A sweet friend to go to dinner with tonight.
