Discipline brings freedom

"If you love me, obey my commandments." John 14:15

I am very busy. I have seasons that are more restful, but this season is in high gear. It can be quite overwhelming at times, but some wise friends once told me that the second you feel overwhelmed, stop, and pray "God where did I pick up something that is not necessary. Where did I go wrong?" The scripture says that his burden is light. That does NOT mean we will not be uncomfortable but it does mean that he will provide every step of the way.

Discipline brings freedom. I hate to use the word discipline. It makes me think of when I was in trouble as a little girl. But what I am slowly starting to realize is that when I put disciplines in place in my own life it frees me up in the long run.

For example, my job is not a 9-5 job. I have certain responsibilities that I have to get done but I can do them whenever I would like. This much freedom can be dangerous and leave me not getting anything done unless I discipline myself and make a plan.

So here are a few disciplines I try to live by:
I have time with Jesus every morning- even I don't feel like it! There are many days that I don't feel like spending time with Jesus but I know that the more I am with Him the more I want to be with Him.

Every Monday I schedule my week even down to the hour. I know what I am doing almost every hour of my week. This frees me to know when I have time to plan and prepare so I am not scrambling to pull something together last minute.

Monthly solitude: my job allows me to have a monthly time of solitude to regroup and come before Jesus for a longer period of time. This is a HUGE gift. If your life does not allow for that schedule 1 hr of solitude.

I am learning that a little discipline in the front end really pays well in the long run. I remember as a high schooler thinking that it was ridiculous that God would call me to live a life that is holy and pure. Absolutely no one else was doing it. I know see the freedom I have for living the way Jesus always intended us to live. It might be really hard at first, but the freedoms we have from shame and guilt is so worth it!

Friends, this is not an easy tasks. I have prayed for years for the desire to be obedient and disciplined and He still has a lot of work to do on his rebellious heart of mine. I believe that God is still in the process of changing our hearts to really trust that what he calls me to is for our benefit, not to spite us! The good news is that he is continuing to do this until the sweet day we meet him face to face. Oh praise Him!
