when you give your life away, you will find life.

When you give your life away you will find life

My husband and I had a very low-key night sitting around afire pit and talking. It was such a sweet time! We asked each other probingquestions on how we were doing, what we are praying for and other funquestions. One question my husband asked me was if I was dying what would Iwant to say to my close friends and family? The following statements flowed out of my mouth.

First, that I am SO thankful for the friends and family thatI have, and secondly I want them to know the Jesus that has so radicallychanged my life, and finally I would want them to know that when we give ourlife away is when we find life.

What do I mean by this? I have found that the days that I amfeeling down, depressed, or just lonely are days that I am mostly focused onmyself. The days that I am serving, and intentionally entering into the livesof others are the most life giving days. This does not mean they are notdifficult days. I have had many difficult days because of other peoplesstruggles. But what this means is that I am not focused on my self and focusedon others. God has a funny way of blessing you when you look outward.

I once hear a statement that says, “look inward and bedepressed, look outward and be oppressed, look upward and be at rest.” This hasproved SO true in my life! When obsessing over my own life I can quickly spiraldown into a pit of depression. When I am only paying attention to needs ofothers, I am can become so overwhelmed that I just want to hide. But when I amserving others and continually bringing these people to the feet of Jesus iswhen I experience the peace that surpasses all understanding.

I feel confident that if Jesus walked into a behavior healthcenter one of the things he would do is take them to serve people who have lessthan they do. By no means am I trying to make light of behavior health, but Istrongly believe that when people step out of their comfort zone and serve inplaces that are different than what they know people come alive. I believe wewere created to serve, therefor when we do serve, it feels right.

The culture we live in tells you to save your time, money,and resources and use them on your self because you deserve it. There are timesto splurge on fun activities for sure, but I am confident that real joy isfound in the giving. When I give my time to serving the poor, I get so much inreturn. When I give my money to people who are raising support for missions or non-profitsI feel like I am doing something that is bigger than mylself. In fact staticssay that people who give of their finances generously are happier people. Andfinally, when I am using my talents and resources for the Kingdom there isnothing in this world better than that! That is when heaven meets earth and weget to experience a little of what Heaven will be like. Using our time, money,and resources for the kingdom is what I want my life to be about. I have SO muchto learn in this area but I am convinced that when you loose your life, thereyou will find it.

Matthew 10:39 say’s “Whoever looses their life for my sakewill find it.”

Lord, Help us to loose our life for your sake. Help us todaily offer up our lives as a living sacrifice to you and your kingdom. I wantto experience your heaven on earth. Make me less and You more. In Jesus nameAmen.
